The Summer College – On Campus residential community is restricted to Summer College – On Campus students (and approved guests) via 24/7 card swipe access and entry approval by Residential Security Aid (RSA) personnel who are posted at the building entrance. Summer College – On Campus students are expected to maintain a healthy and respectful residential community at all times.
Residence Hall Overview
While Syracuse University residence halls feature a variety of layouts and configurations, Summer College – On Campus follows a set of criteria for setting up the living environment:
- Summer College – On Campus residence halls are dedicated exclusively to pre-college students
- Each floor will be assigned as a male floor or a female floor
- SRCs (Summer Residential Counselors) occupy rooms evenly distributed throughout the halls
- Students will be randomly placed in double or split double rooms
- There is air-conditioning in the lounges, but NOT in the dorm rooms
- Each room is equipped with a bed, dresser, desk, chair, and a wardrobe/closet per student, and each room will have a MicroFridge (combination minifridge and microwave).
2024 Residence Halls
The Residence Halls for 2024 are Day and Booth Halls!
Roommate Assignments
If a roommate is not requested (see below), Summer College – On Campus follows Syracuse University’s lead when it comes to housing assignments. The housing office assigns a residence hall and roommate for Summer College – On Campus students, taking into consideration any special living opportunities and mutual roommate requests indicated on the Summer College – On Campus application. The housing assignment system is designed to promote a fair and equitable system for all Summer College – On Campus students that is inclusive and promotes students from different backgrounds to live together.
Request a Roommate
Summer College – On Campus students may request a roommate by filling out the “Roommate Request” field on their Slate application. Please note that both parties must separately request each other as their roommate.
If you have already submitted your application without a roommate request but wish to add one, email with the name of the student you would like to be roomed with along with the other student’s course name. The subject line should read “Roommate Request.” Roommate requests will be considered if both parties separately request each other as their roommate.
Residence Hall Rules and Expectations
Summer College – On Campus students are required to sign in at the main desk of the residence hall prior to curfew each night and then remain in the residence hall for the remainder of the night.
Curfew Hours:
- Sunday: 11 p.m.
- Monday: 11 p.m.
- Tuesday: 11 p.m.
- Wednesday: 11 p.m.
- Thursday: 11 p.m.
- Friday: Midnight
- Saturday: Midnight
Floor Restrictions
Students do not have free access to all areas of their designated residence hall. Students have 24-hour access to the designated main level floor common areas (lobby and main desk area, laundry room, main lounge, multipurpose room, and adjacent study rooms) in addition to their assigned floor of residence. Residents also have 24-hour access to elevators and all stairwells for access and exiting from their floor of residence. Residents are permitted to be guests in rooms of other residents and attend floor events on their assigned floor of residence. Residents are not permitted to attend floor events, floor study groups, or any other informal or formal gathering on floors, or in rooms on floors, to which they are not assigned.
Courtesy and Quiet Hours
Residents and their guests are expected to observe courtesy hours at all times by acting in a manner that is conducive to studying and sleeping. Courtesy Hours are in effect 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Residents and guests may be asked at any time to limit the amount of noise they are creating, and those who continue to violate courtesy hours will be documented and subject to disciplinary action. Quiet Hours are from 9 p.m. until 8 a.m. every morning. Only minimal noise is permitted in all areas of the residence hall, including but not limited to: student rooms, hallways, lounges, laundry room, elevators, stairwells, and entryways.
Guest Policies
Summer College does not permit guests in the residence halls after the move-in period has ended on move-in day. This no-guest policy is in effect until 9 a.m. on Saturday, August 3. Guest policy is subject to change.
Off Campus & Night Away Policy and Procedures
Students who wish to leave campus and the Marshall Street area outside of class time must complete the Daytime Off Campus Request form.
Students who choose to spend a night away from the residence hall must have permission from their parent or guardian, and they must fill out a Night Away Request form at least 24 hours in advance. Please ensure to follow up with your Summer Residential Counselor with the dates you will not be staying in the residence hall well in advance.
Summer College Vehicle Policy
Summer College students are prohibited from having a vehicle on campus during their program of enrollment, this includes commuter students.
Learn More About Living on Campus

Dining Centers
There are so many delicious options to choose from! See what’s included in your meal plan and where you can eat on campus!

Health and Safety
Syracuse University is committed to the safety and well-being of students throughout their duration on campus.

Events and Activities
What is there to do on Syracuse University’s campus? A lot! Summer College – On Campus students have full student access to Syracuse University’s world-class facilities.