The mission of the Office of Pre-College programs is to provide all high school students with an exceptional pre-college experience. Your gift will enable the Office of Pre-College Programs to enhance program offerings, test new initiatives and courses, and expand student services. We count on our Pre-College Alumni and friends to help our students achieve their goals.

Follow the instructions and video walkthrough below to give to the Office of Pre-College Programs at Syracuse University.

  1. Visit the Syracuse University Give page here
    Note, the Office of Pre-College Programs is housed within the College of Professional Studies.
  2. Type in your desired Gift Amount in the text field
  3. Type and confirm your email address
  4. Select ‘Choose a College of Professional Studies Fund
    1. Click the check box next to ‘Summer College Program Fund’
    2. Click the ‘Continue’ button
    3. Ensure that the ‘Selected Designations’ appears and shows ‘Summer College Program Fund’
      Note, you are able to give to various funds or programs.
  5. Follow the prompts, adding in your personal information.
  6. Proceed with payment instructions.

Make a Gift to the Office of Pre-College Programs Video Walkthrough

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at Thank you for considering a gift to the Office of Pre-College Programs.