Course Overview

This summer program for high school students offers a highly visual, non-mathematical introduction to computing and computer programming. Our vehicle is the Alice development environment, which allows students without prior experience to rapidly create 3D virtual worlds like those seen in animations and video games. Alice programmers choose environments, populate them with features, creatures, and sounds, and animate these elements in simulated three-dimensional space to tell stories, play games, give interactive instructions, etc. Students become the masters of domains of their own creation.

Students work in small teams creating virtual worlds for assignments and learn the principles of computer programming in the process. They will see the results of their efforts immediately. We aim to improve students’ skills in exact thinking, analysis/design, and problem-solving, while providing an enjoyable path to more formal study of computing and programming, and a foundation for utilizing professional 3D animation systems and games. This STEM course offers a highly visual, non-mathematical introduction to computer programming and animation. The vehicle is the Alice development environment, which allows students without prior experience to rapidly create 3D virtual worlds like those seen in animations and video games. Alice programmers choose environments, populate them with features, creatures, and sounds, and animate these elements in simulated three-dimensional space to tell stories, play games, give interactive instructions, etc. Students become the masters of domains of their own creation.

Students work in small teams creating virtual worlds for assignments and learn the principles of computer programming in the process. They will see the results of their efforts immediately. We aim to improve students’ skills in exact thinking, analysis/design, and problem-solving, while providing an enjoyable path to more formal study of computing and programming, and a foundation for utilizing professional 3D animation systems and game engines.

All students who successfully complete the course will receive a Certificate of Completion and have the opportunity to request a Syracuse University noncredit transcript.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of the course, students will:

  • Use the Alice development system to create colorful virtual worlds and populate them with a wide variety of animatable objects
  • Apply 3D graphics/animation concepts to precisely control object animation
  • Write computer programs of modest size in an object-oriented, event-driven style
  • Modularize animations/programs to support the development of long-form animations

Course Information

Course Prefix and Number: SCN 022

Format: On Campus (at Syracuse University)

Eligibility: Students must be of rising high school junior, or senior status – or a 2025 high school graduate, who has passed Algebra I and Geometry with understanding, and whose reading comprehension is sufficient to negotiate a textbook used in colleges and high schools. No previous programming or animation experience required.

Credit: Noncredit

Grading: Pass/Fail


  • Residential: $4,295
  • Commuter: $3,318

Program rates are subject to change and will be approved by the board of trustees. Discounts and scholarships are also available.

Program Information

Summer College – On Campus: Experience what college is really like: take a college-level course, live in a residence hall, have meals with friends in a dining hall, and participate in activities and events on campus.

Course Dates and Details

ProgramCourse DatesClass Time (Eastern Time)Credit/Noncredit
Summer College – On Campus 2-Week Session I: Sunday, July 6 – Friday, July 18, 2025 Monday – Friday
9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Summer College – On Campus 2-Week Session II: Sunday, July 20 – Friday, Aug. 1, 2025 Monday – Friday
9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Class times subject to change.

To see if this course is ‘open,’ refer to the full course catalog.

Course Requirements

Please know that any supply purchases are not included in the overall tuition fee. Students will need to budget for additional course supplies, textbooks, supply kits, etc.

Textbook Requirements

Textbooks – TBD

Please note, students are responsible for acquiring textbooks for this course. You will not be able to properly participate in this course if you do not get the proper materials. We strongly encourage you order your books to be picked up from The Campus Store, so that you can stop by and pick them up on your move-in day. *If you are a sponsored student, you do not need to purchase your textbooks.*

Technology & Supply Requirements

  • Laptop computer required.
  • Specific details regarding the laptop are available here. The minimum hardware recommendations are as follows:
    • 2 GB RAM (4 GB or more is strongly recommended, though not strictly required)
    • Graphics card capable of high (32 bit) color and at least 1024×768 resolution (a 3D video card gives faster performance, but is not required)

It is highly recommended that students download and try out the Alice software to ensure their laptops are powerful enough to run it effectively.

Student Expectations

  • 100% attendance
  • 0% lateness
  • Assignments (reading and programming) completed by their due dates and times
  • Timely utilization of office hours to discuss course-related problems
  • Good behavior in class (no disrespect, no disruptions, no distractions, no extra-curricular computer or cell phone usage, no side conversations, etc.)
  • Adherence to all pertinent conduct standards

Typical Day

Tentative Schedule

Each day typically begins with a review of previous coverage and proceeds with coverage of new topics based on the currently due reading assignment. Coverage includes demonstrations of the new concepts and play-alongs, which allow students to practice new techniques before having to apply them in homework assignments.

When class is over, and on weekends, students can look forward to various Summer College – On Campus activities to meet and connect with other students! Check out our On Campus Experience page for more information!

Faculty Bio

Dr. Joao Paulo Marum

Dr. Joao Paulo Marum, a.k.a. JP is a faculty member in Syracuse University’s Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. He earned both his MS and his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Mississippi (USA). His research is focused in using multi-paradigm programming to solve accuracy issues on User Interactive System, especially in Virtual and Augmented Reality. Professional member of the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) and Institute of Electrical and Electronical Engineering (IEEE), IEEE Computer Science Society and the Order of Engineer. Here in Syracuse University, He spent the last year in Syracuse teaching Elements of Computer Science and Introduction to Computer Science for major and non-major students. Before that, He was a graduate instructor for 5 years and a researcher at the Hi5 (High FIdelity Virtual Environments) laboratory at the University of Mississippi. Articles published in ICAT – EGVE (Eurotronics – Virtual Environments), IEEE SouthEastCon, ACM SouthEast and IEEE VR (Most prominent congress in the area of Virtual Reality).

Click here for additional faculty information.