Packing List

What to Pack!

“Home Away from Home” Items

  • Photo Identification: high school ID, driver’s license, passport, etc.
  • Medical insurance I.D. card
  • Comforter, pillow and sheets: size: twin, extra long. If you are traveling long distances and are unable to pack a comforter, pillow, and sheet, students will be able to purchase these (Details TBD).
  • Bath supplies: Towels, washcloths, and shower shoes (flip-flops, sandals)
  • Clothes hangers
  • Fan: there is no air conditioning in the residence hall except for the main lounge area. You should be able to purchase a fan at the Campus Store if necessary.
  • Laundry supplies: laundry detergent, dryer sheets
  • Personal spending money: Syracuse University is a CASH FREE campus. We encourage students to bring pre-paid Credit/Debit Cards.
  • Clothing: If flying in, it is recommended to pack a change of clothes in your carry-on bag!

Academic Supplies

All supplies and textbooks are the responsibility of the student. Students should consider bringing the following:

  • Pens and pencils
  • Backpack
  • Paper and/or notebooks
  • Calculator (if applicable to your course of study)

Basic academic supplies can also be purchased at the Syracuse University Campus Store.

These items were mentioned by our Summer College – On Campus alums as recommendations to pack:

  • Laptop computer: There are computer labs on campus, but most students prefer having their own laptop.
  • Surge protector/power strip: REQUIRED if charging a laptop in a dorm room.
  • Basket to carry toiletries to and from the bathrooms.
  • Backrest/ Lapdesk: For studying and reading in bed.
  • Snacks: Food is a great conversation starter according to our students.

Do NOT Pack

Prohibited Items

Please note that room checks are done of each residence hall room by residence hall staff without prior notification. The following items are prohibited:

  • Pets or animals
  • Extension cords: Only surge protectors and power strips are permitted.
  • Motor vehicles: Summer College – On Campus students are not allowed to bring a vehicle.
  • Appliances: Personal appliances are not permitted.
  • Halogen lamps
  • Candles: Open flames are not permitted in the residence halls.
  • Vapes, eCigs, cigarettes, hookahs, or Juuls: These are not permitted in the residence halls or on campus (and are illegal for underage people in NY State).